Thursday 10 January 2013

Session 1

We started off the fist lesson with a round of introductions and an overview of the what TWC is about. I thought the introduction part was really fun because we learnt something interesting everyone, whether we have met them before or not.

In the next half of the class, we watched the video 'Shift Happens', which brought to our attention how drastically the world has changed through the rapid advancement of new technology. This brought to mind another video that I have watched previously, titled 'Andrew McAfee: Are droids taking our jobs?' In this video, McAfee raised a question: "What have been the most important developments in human history?", and goes on to show us that the most important development was neither religion or empires, even though they still have an impact on the world today. Rather, the most important development was the use and advancement of technology. As a student studying Information Systems, this is quite worrying to me since these technological developments will render my knowledge useless in  just a few years. The implication of this is that schools now should focus less on teaching students the technical knowledge required to find jobs next time, and focus more on allowing students to be adaptable and to be independent learners. I think that these two skills would be the most important in the ever-changing world that we now live in. 

After watching the video, there was some discussion in class about whether computers can ever be more intelligent than humans in the future. Some people believe that the computers will never surpass human capabilities, because information that is found in a computer originally came from people. However, I feel that the increase in research done in the field of artificial intelligence will one day allow computers to imitate the emotions and thoughts of a person, and as prof mentioned, with the amount of data that a computer can store, it will definitely be more intelligent than a person, since people tend to forget things. The question that will have to be answered in the future will then be "How can we harness the power of technology to best serve our needs?" 

Rating for this lesson: 8.25/10
I felt that this was a good introduction to TWC

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